Saturday, August 1, 2009

Another good, yet old one.

I stated earlier, I don't pay attention to bus numbers. Ever. That's why I don't plan to put down numbers even if I do notice them.

This one rings out pretty well to me. Hits close to heart, too.

Riding the bus and minding my own business, having an interesting time taking in the sights (we were riding by the park) and some old lady taps me on the shoulder. I flinch, then turn to see who she is.

Suddenly, I get asked the oddest question I've heard in my life.

"Are you, or are you not, a Werewolf?"

Naturally, I start laughing. Probably not the best thing in that situation. You see, I've got this laugh that sounds like I had a helium accident. I also tend to throw my head back while laughing. This laugh inside a tin can (aka: the bus) almost sounds like a howl after your ears start ringing.

"So what if I am?" I ask, just out of curiosity.

Wrong move.

The lady and her seat partner jump up and start screaming "Werewolf" and pointing at me.

Next stop, I just about bailed out of the window, sprinting away on my toes. (I can't run in shoes, and I can't run with my heels hitting pavement. Hurts too much.)


  1. Maybe Mad is a good name for you! I'd like to see a werewolf in heels.hehehe

  2. By the way, you should put a tracker on..then you can see how many people read your blog. Sucks at first but is quite interesting once you get going. Don't ask me how to do it, I'm a computer idiot. My brother did it for me. Click on the little world thing at the bottom of my blog pages to see what I mean.

  3. Actually, Jeanne, I'm a guy. I've got something weird with both heels that I can't walk on them, so I'm well-known for running on my toes. Walking on them, too. That plus the strong senses has most of the 'marks' of a Werewolf.

    Naturally, I stray away from people, usually.

    And, I hate wearing shoes. Slows me down too much to escape.


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